A review by critterbee
Prepping 101: 40 Steps You Can Take to Be Prepared: Protect Your Family, Prepare for Weather Disasters, and Be Ready and Resilient W by Kathy Harrison


What I thought was going to be a handy manual for preparing for unexpected emergencies turned out to be a tiny bit more alarming than I had hoped.

The book begins with some moderate fear-mongering and then offers predictions of catastrophic pandemics and urges for communities to band together in resiliency groups. Hey, I just opened the book to look for tips on food storage and supplies needed for an extended loss of power. Let's take a breath. If I were not reviewing this book, I would have stopped reading at the introduction. Maybe lower the tone of imminent apocalypse so the readers do not do a runner.

Setting aside that, the book was organized very well, and had some great ideas about planning for emergencies.

The book will help the reader to learn how to:
- prepare a binder / container to safeguard your important documents (with a suggested list of documents)
- store food and water (and how much to store)
- make a water filter
- take care of pets during emergencies
- stay clean and healthy with a low water supply and/or no electricity
- dispose of all types of waste
and much more.

There is also a lot of great everyday advice like use local banks or credit unions, and volunteer to help others affected by disaster.

I did not care for the overwrought flavor of the introduction, but there are some good ideas inside. I would advise the reader to skip the introduction and go right to the useful information.

*eARC Netgalley*