A review by lisavegan
The Zig Zag Girl by Elly Griffiths


Read as a buddy read with Hilary. I was not enthusiastic about the story’s premise and wasn’t even sure I’d read the whole book, but I liked it much more than I’d anticipated. Even so, without a reading partner it would have been harder to get through. I’m not planning to read any additional books in this series now but I might read further books some point.

I did like the book. For me it was 3 stars all the way through and I enjoyed it more and more as I read on. I thought the parts toward the end were stronger than those that came more toward the beginning.

The characters were kind of hard to tell apart/remember for a long time. Hilary used the term “they blend in a bit” and that is a perfect way of describing it. As I read I did care about them and their stories but I didn’t feel emotionally invested in them the way I do with books I tend to love and really like, such as those in this author’s Ruth Galloway series. The last chapters I got more interested in them and I loved the twist about two of them and how they were related.

I did guess the identity of the culprit and some of the reasoning, additional storyline about the murderer. They were my first choice from very early on. I was never sure though until close to the reveal. It was rather clever.

I see how this series might go, 4 particular connected characters solving crimes. Maybe 5, or 6, or more. I know more minor characters might keep appearing in the books. HUGE spoiler! Do not read if you haven’t read this book 1 and might someday:
Spoiler Edgar, Max, Diablo, and Ruby. Also maybe Bill, and the Major, and others. I love the Ruby-Max connection and the Ruby-Edgar relationship too. Rose and others too. I expect readers will see most of the remaining characters again.

ETA: I realized I missed not having any dog and cat characters. So far they've appeared in other books I've read by this author.