A review by dana_naylor
The Truth According to Ember by Danica Nava



Writing is smooth. My problem is with the main character and some of her choices/thought processes.

I don't mind having a character who lies some. My problems were with Ember's work environment and her choices there. There's an official no dating policy, so she wants to keep her relationship quiet - fine. But don't then hook up in an office closet at work.

I empathize with her choices with her brother and father - but her thinking is so wrong when
she chooses to meet blackmail demands and then whines as if she bears no responsibility for her choice: "Why was I always being punished for just trying to do the right thing, no matter what fucked-up way I had achieved it?" (p301) Assisting in theft by using a signature stamp to get money in no way can be justified as "trying to do the right thing". Choosing to check only one box with your ethnicity - perfectly fine. Lying about a degree - less fine, but if you're able to do the job, okay-ish. Theft - outright wrong.

I love the author's voice and may try another of her books. I just want more self-awareness from the characters.