A review by shellballenger
God Believes in Love: Straight Talk About Gay Marriage by Gene Robinson


Type of read: Commuter (listened to and from work)

What made me pick it up: I think it was on one of my recommendation lists? Or I saw it in my Goodreads or library app.

Overall rating: I'm not going to pretend that I have all the answers or know all the things. Additionally, I know I need to inform and educate myself as much as possible, even on things that may not involve me directly but do directly involve those I love. I found this book to bring up some great points and I feel like it gave wonderful examples for real, current time, situations.

Reader's Note: Providing context to my review and rating - I am a married, heterosexual, cis female who was raised Missouri-Synod Lutheran and practiced routinely for 18 years. While my faith is currently a little more fluid, my position as an Ally is not. I strongly support the LGBT+ community.