A review by remjunior
Counseling With Our Councils: Learning To Minister Together In The Church And In The Family by M. Russell Ballard


A solid book about councils in the church and how we can use councils more effectively. It isn't anything groundbreaking or that I haven't heard before, but maybe I've been fortunate in being a part of good councils in the past. The writing was fine--nothing fancy, to the point, and without embellishment. I think this probably could have been written in a few pages rather than an entire book. I wonder, especially for General Authorities, what the criteria is for writing entire books rather than some other format.

Anyway--I would recommend this to anyone who is on a council and wants to understand how they work, why we have them, and how they can be better. This includes councils at the ward and stake level, as well as presidency and family councils. I feel guilty not giving it more stars, but it was simply a good, instructional book. Nothing more, nothing less.