A review by downthebookhole
The Grumpy Guide to Life: Observations from Grumpy Cat by Grumpy Cat


I absolutely adore Grumpy Cat and was so excited when I got this book! If you don't know who Grumpy Cat is 1.) I don't think we can be friends and 2.) who are you Patrick Star?Have you been living under a rock?

This short and cute book is filled not only with adorable pictures of Grumpy Cat, but also quotes, advice and inspirational notes (or not so inspirational if you are one of those people who can't handle the hard cold truth) Because they are all from Grumpy Cat they have a more cranky and negative twist to them, but I think that is what makes them so great. When I am having a bad day it is nice to read some of these and just hate the world and people for a couple minutes. Sometimes it is nice to personally vent and through this pages you feel like you aren't alone and someone understands you without having to take your anger or bad mood out on anyone else. For the most part these are really funny quotes and advice and if you say you can't relate to at least one of these I don't think you are a human.

This is a quick and cute read that I found to be really enjoyable (maybe because I am a horrible person and a pessimist because according to some reviews I have seen this is a negative and depressing book-which I don't agree with) Flipping through the pages put a smile on my face even though Grumpy Cat can only frown!