A review by jrosenstein
Deepwater King by Claire McKenna


I continue to really like the dark, oceanic world of this trilogy but I found this book very hard going. Where the first book had some convincing romance and steamy sex, the sex in this book is incredibly troubling. Strong content warning for sexual assault and coercion.
In the first book I kind of enjoyed being completely dropped into the world with no exposition. In this book, however, the plot completely hinges on understanding the deepwater religion and the differences between different island and mainland communities. Without any explanation I just could not understand why things happened the way they did, and characters suddenly pop in and out with no explanation.
Spoiler I also just didn't understand Bellis and her powers at all. So she can mind control thousands of people at a time, but somehow misses Wren and Absalom? Also, why didn't they all kill her when they had the chance if she's so terribly dangerous? Why doesn't she use her mind control on Jonah? And what the f happens to Jonah at the end?

This book put me off the rest of the series, and it seems like it hasn't been that popular as my library doesn't have book 3 in any format.