A review by oldwindways
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern


This was my second time experiencing The Night Circus. I had previously read the paper version over the Christmas holidays of 2014 (thanks Sword & Laser bookclub). This "reread" via audiobook took place partially during a long road trip, which brought back memories of listening to the Harry Potter audiobooks (also narrated by Jim Dale) as a young adult while my family was making the drive back and forth from Connecticut to Vermont.
I recalled the broad strokes of the story, but could not pinpoint many of the details from my first reading. I did have a very distinct memory of the tone and atmosphere of the circus, and I feel that painting that particular picture is definitely one of the author's strong suits. I previously rated the book version as 4 stars, but five years later, and with Jim Dale narrating I can confidently step it up to 5 stars.
The one issue that I did have during my first read through, and I feel still applies, was that the way the chapters jumped back and forth chronologically was sometimes confusing. I understand how this makes sense for the interweaving of the parallel elements of the narrative, but it was easy to lose track of where in the timeline you were, and it is a little trickier to check that in the audiobook since you can not simply flip back to the start of the chapter to check the subheading.