A review by cmzukowski
The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James


I am so torn about my feeling about this book. I found it very hard to get into and read for long stretches at a time, but I also found the story to be really intriguing. In the beginning, it is rather slow-paced, to me, but really picks up about halfway through. I really wanted to figure out the story and uncover the mystery and I thought about the storyline a lot but I think the problem for me came with the characters. I just never felt much towards any of them, I didn't dislike them but I didn't really get attached to them either. I never once thought of them as actual people, they were always characters in a book to me. The plot though was great! I really loved the mystery behind it and the chills it gave me at times, it was a hybrid thriller/mystery/ghost story and the twist was something that I never saw coming. I think it was well-written, overall. The chapters switched between the two main characters, about 20 years apart from one another, but that never once pulled me out of the story the way that switching can in some books. the book would have held my attention more if it had been more exciting. Don't get me wrong, it had is exciting moments and towards the end, I couldn't put it down. But throughout the book, there were a lot of low points in action and that is ultimately what kept pulling me out of the story. I know many people loved this book and it was good, my actual rating is 3.5 stars, but I guess the book was just not for me. I do look forward to reading more of St. James' books though because she is a very talented writer, this book was just not for me I guess.