A review by laural27
Tethers by Jack Croxall


Without sounding hyperbolic, I think this book has changed my life.
Fantasy is a genre I've tried time and time again to immerse myself in but I've never succeeded. There seems to be a small part of my brain that refuses to suspend disbelief and constantly goes NO. THAT WOULDN'T HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE. Yes brain, well done: we are reading a fantasy novel, that is why.

I've known about Tethers for a long time but I've never really had much of an urge to read it even after Megan protested countless times that I should. But yesterday Tethers turned the grand old age of one and my curiosity got the better of me. I went to Amazon, downloaded the free sample, started reading and couldn't stop. Without a second thought I downloaded the whole book and got lost in Karl and Esther's world.

Karl and Esther, two young teenagers, are our main characters. Karl, ever curious, has spent time covertly sneaking into Mr Stratham's garden and surveying the inside of his huge house. A small silver box piques his interest but he's caught before he can explore any further. One morning, promising his mother he will stay away from Mr Stratham's house, Karl informs Esther of what he saw and how desperately he wants to find out what it is. Against his mothers orders, they sneak back into Stratham's garden, only to find the silver box gone and the house ransacked. Before they leave, Karl finds an old journal and the last page of the journal sends them into a whole mess of confusion. For there, on the last page of the journal, the final entry states: Karl and Esther.

Their names are in this journal, but why? How? Who is the author?
Karl and Esther set out on a journey to discover what this means and soon they are caught up in a dangerous and adrenalin filled adventure that puts friendship, trust and bravery to the test.

Let me just set the record straight. This is a fantasy book and I UNDERSTOOD and ENJOYED every last second of it. And no, I don't think I'm ill.

Oh my goodness, where to start?

Firstly, the characters are incredible. They are so well described that you can't help but form the most beautiful portraits of them as you read about their physical prowess and individual mannerisms. Not only are they richly described, they also develop beautifully over the course of the novel and interact with each other in the most believable of ways. Without a doubt, my favourite character was Esther: she's a feisty one that refuses to adhere to what's expected of a young woman; instead opting to learn how to sword fight. What a girl!
Karl was also another favourite, he was bold, brave and extremely intelligent and I found that the two together created the most fantastic team. A whole host of other characters: Harland, Mr Caudwell and Vivian (to name a few) were also so fantastically written about that slipping into their world was effortless.

The plot was so cleverly formed that I could not predict where it would go and what challenges the characters would face next. It was perfectly paced and ridiculously addictive which meant I couldn't sleep until I'd finished it. I was so invested in these characters and their world that I didn't want the book to end!

Lastly, Jacks writing style. Oh Jack, how you nearly made me weep with pleasure at your command of the English language. Every description was just beautiful and the way you told this story was flawless. Not a single word was out of place and throughout the entirety of the book I would often pause and reread descriptions because they were so tactile and tangible.

I really cannot find the words to express how much I enjoyed this book. Not only has Jack introduced me to Esther and Karl's world, he's also made me believe in a genre that I've never believed in before. I cannot wait to start slowly exploring more fantasy titles but I desperately cannot wait for the next book from Jack.

Tethers is the first book in a trilogy with UNWOVEN and TORN to follow. I cannot wait to catch up with these characters again and see where they are. My excitement is almost too much to deal with!!

So Jack. You now have a massive new fan girl and someone in complete awe of your story telling abilities!

I cannot recommend this book enough.

A fast paced, action packed adventure filled with lovable characters and unexpected twists that is written so lyrically and beautifully you will want to read it over and over again.