A review by pagesplotsandpints
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling


Re-read completed 9/29/13
Mini-review posted HERE on The Book Addict's Guide:


I did a full review of HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCEROR'S STONE but I opened up a new draft to start my review for HP2 and... My mind went blank. It's honestly so hard to write a full review of a book and a series that I've loved and cherished for half of my childhood and all of my adult life so far (it's totally epic) so it's hard to put THINGS down into words, ya know? I think I actually know the series TOO well to write a review because I really know how everything goes!

What I can say is that it's interesting starting over from the beginning. I haven't done that in MANY YEARS because before when I would re-read Harry Potter, I wouldn't necessarily do it in order. Books four, five, six, and seven are my favorites so usually I would just pick those up and re-read out of order since really, I knew the series so well anyway. The first three books are the ones I've re-read the least but the first two are also the ones I think have the closest movie adaptations so with a few minor exceptions, I still knew exactly how it all went.

I'll just briefly recap the things I loved about HP and the CoS here:

•Rule-breaking Hermione with the Polyjuice potion! You go, girl.
•The mild annoyance and mild hilarity that is Gilderoy Lockhart
•Learning so much more about Tom Riddle (and there were more tidbits in the book than in the movie (which that's usually the case, but I thought that was interesting!))
•Watching that best friendship between Harry and Ron really start to develop into a bond that extended beyond Ron and to becoming almost a part of his family

I'm also not a Harry-Ginny shipper so I won't even go there. Their relationship always felt weird to me for some reason -- both books AND movies -- so it's cute to see Ginny acting all love struck around him, but doesn't get me all mushy for the future.