A review by the_ya_assassin
A Dragonbird in the Fern by Laura Rueckert


Thank you TBR Beyond Tours for sending me a review copy in exchange for an honest review!

Wow, y'all. This book pleasantly surprised me. For a debut, [a:Laura Rueckert|19365618|Laura Rueckert|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1597423111p2/19365618.jpg] wrote [b:A Dragonbird in the Fern|57827123|A Dragonbird in the Fern|Laura Rueckert|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1619180731l/57827123._SY75_.jpg|72138260] soooooooooooo well. Like, I can't even describe how well this was written. I will try though.

First of all, I HAVE to talk about the worldbuilding - it was out of this world! Rueckert gave us customs, religion, flora, fauna, economy, INT relations, and languages. It was absolutely amazing and it fully immersed me!

The characters, on the other hand, were kind of bland. They didn't have much personality, though Jiara definitely had some character development. I still cheered on Jiara and Raffar the whole time, but I wish we could've gotten more about them and how the citizens of their countries were living. However, Jiara being dyslexic made her more relatable and real.

I don't really understand where the title of the book came from though. There are dragonbirds in the story, yes, but they are literally only mentioned once, besides the three other times Jiara's mother calls her "my dragonbird".

It was interesting though - the earthwalkers were an interesting concept, as well as the many subplots that worked against the main characters. On the other hand, it was predictable, plus there were some things that just didn't make sense - such as when Jiara would get all frazzled, worrying about finding Scilla's murderer, but then she started worrying about something else. And I don't think she ever really worried about the impending war. As Ron Weasley would say, "she really needs to set her priorities straight."

I feel like this story would've been much better if there had been more time taken with the characters, as well as with the actual writing itself - if it had gone just a little deeper into Jiara's thoughts and the things going on in the world.

My stop in TBR Beyond's Tour is where I shared 15 reactions to A Dragonbird in the Fern! If you'd like to see, go check it out on my Bookstagram, @the_ya_asssassin