A review by adrihean
Whispers and Warriors by Lexi Ostrow


“Whispers and Warriors,” by Lexi Ostrow 


After the adventure and peril when the characters try to get to the military sanctuary in book 1, they are on the run again for another sanctuary that they can finally settle in without danger. In an apocalyptic world where it is hard to trust people it’s hard for them to find a place that is truly a safe place, constantly on edge and still trying to further the relationship between all the characters is hard for them. 


I really liked this book. I liked book 1 just a little bit better because I love the buildup of relationships and all the tension that goes along with that and that happened in book 1. In this book their relationship has already been established so I missed that tension, but the tension of the plot was more of the focus in this book. I still really liked it and will definitely be reading the third book when it’s released. I really love the characters, and I want to know what will happen to all of them at the end of the series. I loved the dystopian/ Apocalyptic plot and atmosphere to the book mixed in with reverse harem plot is the perfect tropes for me. 4 out of 5 stars, can’t wait for the third book. 


Thank you for the ARC, Booksprout.