A review by bethanyangharads
Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman


This book is seen in my video: Reading 5 Star Predictions
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Part of the joy of this novel, I think, is going in knowing absolutely nothing. After reading it, I can see what the blurb insinuates now and I just have to laugh at pre-reading me taking the blurb so literally. All I can really say, without inadvertently giving away any hints, is that this book is a true metaphor for different psyches and I freaking loved it. Was a five star prediction and it met that expectation in unexpected ways. Love love looooove! Definitely worth a re-read in the future.

Triggers which may really give some things away so maybe stop reading now if you want: this novel talks about schizophrenia and other mental disorders so under that umbrella be prepared to encounter many things!