A review by bryckklovesbooks
Lair Reckoning by David Sullivan


What an ending! This vampire series has had me in a chokehold since the very beginning! There was so much going on in LAIR RECKONING! I'll try very hard not to give away any spoilers. Mainly, because I want you to experience every twist and turn the same as I did!

If you haven't read the two previous books, please stop reading here and read both books one and two, LAIR and LAIR RISING. This is the only way that you will be able to full appreciate everything that happens in LAIR RECKONING.

For those of us who have followed this series from the beginning, we know that Adrian (vampire) and Aurora (human) have had their share of trials. Everything from Adrian almost dying, trying to refrain from feeding to appease Aurora to Adrian's presumed dead wife, Evangeline coming back from the dead to wreak havoc on their relationship. All of this the while trying to devise and execute a plan to take out the Commodore. Thus, causing Adrian to again become human. Aurora is on her own as she tries to take down the Commodore so that she and Adrian can have their happily ever after and literally ride off into the sunset together (without burning). Unfortunately, for this couple, nothing has ever come easy, and nothing goes according to plan.

D.V. Sullivan's art of storytelling is unmatched. since first reading LAIR, I have been in love with this story. The journey of each character and their development throughout this story is a show of the brilliance of his writing. As a reader, I have watched each character evolve and come into their own; Aurora became stronger, Adrian grew more relaxed and humbler, Mrs. Colding became warmer (no pun intended... well maybe a little), and Captain Redfern, well... less stern and fatherly. When I think back how these characters were when introduced in LAIR, their transformation is remarkable and present in their actions taking place in LAIR RECKONING. I am in awe and impressed at the growth of each character and how well that growth played on the whole, as the story advanced.

I should warn you to prepare yourself for this one. Grab your box of tissues and keep it close because this one will reach inside of you and twist your insides, turning them to mush as you go in. The ending both delighted and devastated me, if that makes any sense.

Ugh.... I don't want to give anything away! Ha! ha!

What I can say is, I appreciate and understand the actions of all parties in this story, as this was a very wild, exciting ride! The LAIR books have now become one of my favorite trilogies and I will definitely start from the very beginning to relive it all over again.

The LAIR series is definitely one of the best paranormal trilogies I've read this year.

Thank you, D.V. Sullivan for an extraordinary plot, fantastical characters, and a deep, true love story, and a satisfying HEA to end a phenomenal series! I cannot wait to read more of your future work. Bravo!

Happy reading!