A review by atomatopie
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig


I really love this book. I originally read it from a review on TikTok in 2020, but I’ve probably re-read it a couple of times now (most recently after my most drastic move). It’s a comfort read (for me), but one that makes you (me) cry a bit.

I loved the premise, and the passage of the story also feels really well-done. Even though some realities might seem better, they aren’t the realities she ultimately chose and don’t really line up with who she is and has become - so that makes the interesting question: to what degree are we a culmination of our decisions, and to what extent are we our potential decisions? Some sort of combination? 

I do think that a lot of the points are fit into overly-tidy buzz-phrases, but I didn’t feel that it took away from the book too~ much. Some lines did give the sense of something that could be fit on an instagram post, but it never felt condescending the way some similar books do. I’m a person who really generally hates self-help books, but this delivered it in a way I was cozy with. 

Anyways, the peace of mind of “life goes on” really hits deep with this book.

Also it’s one of my few books that my mom has picked up, read through, and enjoyed, so that brings it up for me, too.