A review by caniac_bar
A Place Without You by Jewel E. Ann


Have you read Jewel E Ann before? If so you know you are in for one amazing ride. Now 'amazing' has a scale to it. So what one (me) finds amazing others might find not so amazing. Your heart will go through the wringer/ringer (not sure which term is appropriate here).

I will state this is becoming one of my favorite tropes. As long as it's done in this fashion. Meeting before the trope comes to pass.

What a 'meet cute' this is too. A ride share. The insta-love was done perfectly. (which sometimes I'm not a fan of b/c how not well it's done) You will swoon over Bodhi and you will fall in love with Henna. Gotta love a straight talking, no shit taking, heroine.

In true #JewelEAnnEffect your heart will hurt. Your eyes will cry. Your blood will pound and you will read faster.

~I won a signed paperback.