A review by booklover_zzz
Runebinder by Alex R. Kahler


The rating I actually wanted to give this book was a 3.5 Stars. Let me start by saying that I enjoyed the uniqueness and originality the author was going for. A lot of things about it were fresh. I just wish they had been executed better because it had a lot of potential.

One of my main problems was that the story was kind of all over the place and left a lot of questions unanswered, which I hope are answered in the next book (if I pick it up). We never got an answer as to why Tenn was the “chosen one” and it came on so suddenly, like yesterday he was nobody and then everyone knew him. His plot with Tomás was extremely minimal which I was really sad about because I expected so much more from an incubus that has a ploy.

In general, I loved characters in the book. However, I found that I questioned what some of them contributed to the book. You could have read the book without the Tenn’s extremely random insta-lover, Jarrett (sometimes I think maybe Tomás). Jarrett is only really there for backstory bs, which isn’t even necessary with the insane amount of backstory and memory we are given throughout the book.

Jarrett + Tenn was my other problem. I liked the ship but I expected it to grow not to happen so suddenly. And then for Jarrett to die half way through to only be found alive almost at the end...I would have prefer him either entirely alive or dead because whatever the author was going for didn’t really work in my opinion. It was scattered. If there love had taken time to grow I might have felt the shock of it when Jarrett died but I didn’t so next time? There was even the question (at one point sadly) of was the romance even necessary...?