A review by scribepub
How to Eat: all your food and diet questions answered by Mark Bittman, David L. Katz

In an approachable Q&A format, award-winning New York Times columnist Bittman and Katz, the founding director of Yale University’s Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Centre, tell you everything you ever wanted to know about eating healthily.
Barbara Hoffert, Library Journal

A sensible guide to health from two genial experts.

[The authors debunk myths and address diet trends (paleo, keto, fasting) and topics like consuming dairy, prioritising organic foods, and drinking alcohol.] Expect well-deserved demand for this very readable, reasonable food for thought.

All major areas of nutrition science are addressed, from the evolution of human food consumption to understanding current studies … Debunking nearly all current diet trends, including keto and paleo diets, the authors also discredit the superfood phenomenon … the demand for this straightforward resource about the current state of nutrition should be high.
Anitra Gates, Library Journal