A review by cupiscent
A Breath of Frost by Alyxandra Harvey


I wanted to like this because, well, Regency debutante witchcraft. But it was sadly all froth and no real meat, and not even in a fun and frivolous way. The Regency is heavy on the Georgette Heyer (and therefore rife with nobility, swooning and nonsense, and light on the mannered restraint of Austen, or even Kowal), the debutanting gets hijacked by Hogwarts Finishing School (allowing in-depth exploration of neither setting) and the witchcraft was full of just-because and fights with magical creatures occasionally so random I wondered if the GM had rolled up an encounter because there was a quota to be met. The cousins were charming, but I found them often too cutesy, and the romance was pretty straightforward. My biggest issue, though, was that the story seemed to be going in all sorts of directions at once, with the result that I never really had a sense of inexorable pace and tension. (The only reason I'm at all curious about the rest of the series is the hope that Gretchen might get to make out with Colette. But one glance at the blurb for the second book puts paid to that idea. Oh well!)