A review by matler
How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking by Jordan Ellenberg


Great Book!
The only thing i have to criticize is the style of the author. But bear in mind, this is only my personal preference and it could be that you do not care about this at all.
I give you an example: In one moment you are introduced to problem A (part A)... You get a little background about this problem and then you think there will be some explanations, but they are not coming, there is a hard cut.
You are abruptly introduced to even more background knowledge (let us call it part B). And this part is so long that you maybe forget about the real problem (part A). At the end (part C) everything comes together very well. But I wish, the author would have been able to create
a more consistent flow of his train of thought. But as I wrote, this is complaining at a very high level, the book is still excellent!