A review by lady_l
And the Sea Will Tell by Vincent Bugliosi


It was like reading two different books. The first half, the events leading up to the crime, was a lot more compelling than the dead-horse-beating that followed. I lost interest around page 400 or so, soon after the trial began, but thankfully I still had another 800 pages to go. The murder trial was a leeeeeetle too detailed, and Vincent Bugliosi a lot too pompous, for my tastes.

I ended up skimming through the last few chapters which contained the closing arguments. (Did I mention all the dead horses being beaten?) I couldn't-could not-would not read anymore of Bugliosi's superior legal intellect. Sorry but I came here for murder mystery, not a lesson on the American legal system.

And after all that, I'm still not convinced of her innocence. That might just be out of spite for her defense attorney though.