A review by pagesplotsandpints
'Til Heist Do Us Part by Sara Desai


<b>Read Completed 8/30/24 |</b> 3.25 stars

I really enjoyed TO HAVE AND TO HEIST when I read it last year so I was really excited for another fun adventure with Simi and the gang! Unfortunately, right off the bat, it hit things I didn't like in sequels. I really, really, really don't like when a sequel starts off with the couple from book 1 breaking up and now they're apart. I really wanted to see Simi and Jack working together and growing their relationship, not it having already ended and her hating him and not trusting him. It was just a turn off for me and I wanted more connection. 

The crew took a while to show up and they were just less vibrant than in the last book. They were always a little quirky, edging on over-the-top but it didn't make me feel that way in Book 1. This book just felt like caricatures of who they were in the first book and I feel like it just got sillier. I also don't know why Rose was totally left out of this book? I kept expecting her to show up but she never did. Maybe that's Book 3. 

I really didn't like the heist this time. It was veering into Stephanie Plum territory where everything is zany and kooky and it just went too far. (Also why I stopped enjoying Finlay Donovan.) I just didn't click with the plot and I didn't like that the characters were basically ALL on the outs. I wanted the found family, the fun friendships. This wasn't it. 

I'm sure I'll still read a book 3 if there is one but I was a little disappointed with this.