A review by onearrow1274
The Most Interesting Man in the World: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Justine Rivard, Jan Ashton


This was so much fun to read! I was intrigued by the idea of a book from Bingley's perspective but he has never been one of my favorite characters so I began with some trepidation. However, the many positive reviews enumerating the joys of this work convinced me to give it a shot. Bingley's perspective is light, his inner commentary, while frequently misinterpreting things, feels completely consistent with what we see. Indeed, I think I like Bingley more after having read this book, than I did before. I still would not want to marry him ;) , but that's fine since he is, after all, a fictional character.

You do need to be familiar with P&P because this book skips so much of what happens in the original and just provides commentary in between several of the scenes that take place in P&P. This is not a drawback however, we barely even hear about Lydia (certainly we have no idea what happened there), we don't have commentary about the Bennet family (far to busy dwelling on the pulchritude of Jane Bennet to notice them, any of them), and we get lovely commentary on just how annoying Bingley finds his sisters (which is nice, apparently he dislikes them, Caroline specifically, just as much as the rest of us do).

My only problem with this book, was that it wasn't entirely clean there were some comments here and there about that weren't necessary and then the very last chapter had lengthy scene where the grooms (the night before their wedding) had an illuminating discussion with the considerably more worldly Colonel. There was also a lot of drinking and getting drunk throughout the book.

I recommend this book because it is so much fun and it is a short griping read, but only if you are okay with reading about frequent drinking and some vague comments about sex.