A review by originstorytoloveisdestroy
City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare


Here's to my fourth or fifth reread of the City of Ashes. I must admit, I know a lot of people are put off by the whole "incest" part of the novel, but Cassie does a great job at making it feel as though it isn't right. Like it's all false, and you know it, even without the confirmation. She also does a great job at interweaving the "taboo" aspect of it, with the reality of the situations, almost making all of the "kiss scenes" have an excuse from the Faerie Queen scene to the Fearless Rune scene (which recall prior made Alec almost confess he was gay and dating Magnus [a warlock] to his parents before shortly awaking as though from a trance). Overall, the writing and events that transpire in this novel are pure gold. Even though I still feel as though half of the novel could've been avoided if they had taken proper precautions to protect Simon and Maia.