A review by eantoinette285
Tatiana and Alexander by Paullina Simons


This series might be one of the toughest I've ever had to get through, and the most realistic. The cover may say "love story", but don't let that fool you if you're looking for some fluffy pages filled with romance and wooing.

World War II, the history of the different territories, sickness, death, being on the run, and fighting for love and survival are all woven into this intricate story. I've read very few novels that have caused my heart to skip into my throat for a good chunk of the tale, but Tatiana and Alexander do just that for me. So many times, I'd try to put myself in either of their shoes, and I know I wouldn't survive even a fraction of the obstacles they had to attempt to overcome.

If you think you can tackle a gorgeous but intense read, definitely check out this trilogy. You will get a true love story, and so much more! Onward I move to book three!