A review by usbsticky
Marked for Life by Emelie Schepp


I find Scandinavian thrillers to be kind of a sub-genre and I've read a lot of them. And most of them give me the same kind of vibe: a stand-offish, cool, IKEAn vibe, the opposite of Italian thrillers. I don't know if it's the translation or my own stereotype or the way it really is. This one is the same. I don't know if it's the translation because it doesn't say in/on the book if it's translated or written in English.

Things I liked about the book. I liked the detectives/officials and wished the author did more with them. I wished she involved them more, threaded them more deeply into the story.

Things I didn't like: I didn't like the jumping back and forth between stories. Whenever the main story would get interesting, it would jump to the other story and you didn't know if the other story was past or present and pretty much you didn't know anything about the people there, it was a waste of reading. The plot was jumpy as a result of that and I never got really into it. Despite the fact that the author is international and best selling, I wasn't very impressed.

I got this book free as a review copy.