A review by bozzi1
Summer of Night by Dan Simmons

  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes


📗Spoiler Free Book Review📗
After one of their classmates disappears, a group of 12 year old boys (and one tag along little brother) decides to investigate the mysterious happenings in the little midwestern town of Elm Haven. The Bike Patrol spends the summer of 1960 walking and biking all around as only kids of times past could do, and band together against the evil they find. 
If there’s one negative about this book, it’s the slow start. My suggestion is to skip the author’s introduction and just dive right into the story. You might wonder what the fuss is about at first, but I promise you’ll get it. 
I love so much about this book. While I didn’t grow up in the 60’s, the 80’s had a lot of similarities, and I remember the days of summer when groups of kids would leave in the morning on their bikes and not come home until dark. I live in the same place I went to grade school, a small town in Southern Illinois, interchangeable with Elm Haven. Old Central could have been my school, and Simmons did an amazing job describing the town and surrounding area.  
The character development is excellent. At one point or another I felt a connection with every member of The Bike Patrol, and Cordie might be my favorite secondary character ever. 
I haven’t read a huge variety of horror authors, but I’ve read most of Stephen King and can name the books that truly gave me chills on one hand, with a couple fingers to spare. Summer of Night is as frightening as any book I’ve read. Several times after reading at night, I switched to a different book or watched something funny on tv before going to sleep. 
Short version:  This book is fucking amazing and might scare you shitless.  All the stars. One of my all time favorites that I’ll absolutely be revisiting, maybe every summer.