A review by dharaiter
American Gods by Neil Gaiman


Wow! This is probably the only book that I loved, but couldn't finish faster. There was just too much to grasp. I have closed the book at every chapter to close my eyes and savor the world that was created in front of my eyes. The mere thought of the amount of research Gaiman had to do for this one gives me headache.
Both, mythology and fantasy are not my most favorite genre. The book still ended up being one of the most surreal thing I've ever read. Every God was fantastic. Every location made me want to travel there. As an Indian, I enjoyed the Indian gods and their simple, yet accurate portrayal. What made me enjoy the story more was the very calm, mature, and righteous protagonist amid chaos and among the chaotic. It blended and balanced so well.
I not only loved the main story line, but was awed by little stories told by the gods and humans or the stories that were part of them.
The biggest mistake would be to read this book with an intention to read a linear plot, even though it was. There is SO MUCH in between, in between the between, and in between that. It's not about reaching from point A to point Z. It's about how breathtaking everything in between is. I have to read the book at least a couple of times more to enjoy thoroughly every single thing that was supposed to be enjoyed.
No one should miss reading this book, even though it's not their genre. It's a grand experience, even though it's not real. Only the Gods were real.