A review by blairconrad
Kraken by China Miéville


Not a really quick start, I didn't think, but midway through I really found myself enjoying the action.
As always, Miéville's command and use of the language is stunning - he's one of the few authors that when I'm reading them make me wish I had a dictionary with me.

I enjoyed his knacked London setting - just as with [b:Perdido Street Station|68494|Perdido Street Station|China Miéville|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1255612085s/68494.jpg|3221410], and [b:The Scar|68497|The Scar|China Miéville|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1170692699s/68497.jpg|731674][b:The City & The City|4703581|The City & The City|China Miéville|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1266894982s/4703581.jpg|4767909], he's crafted a place that is interesting and feels real. And unlike The City & The City, there were some memorable characters, with interesting quirks, and personalities.

As usual, though, it's the language that does it for me...