A review by lomeraniel
Danger's Vice by Amanda Carlson


Review originally published at: http://www.lomeraniel.com/audiobookreviews/book-review-dangers-vice-amanda-carlson/

The Outskirts still have a plan to dominate the City, and it is related to Plush, a powerful drug that not only creates addiction but also changes the DNA of its user. Holly and her friends will need to find where these Outskirts are and fight back this menace.

After listening to the first book in the series, I was looking forward to this one. Holly is a badass woman fully dressed in black synthetic leather, which knows all the secrets in the City. She can be stubborn sometimes, but I really like this character and all the nuances in her personality. The characters from the previous book also appear here. They were not very developed in book one but it seems that we see more from them here and they become clearer to the reader.

I love post-apocalyptic, and I can’t have enough of it, but it is true that there are a lot of books of this genre lately, and many are just okay but forgettable. Not this one. The story trapped me from the beginning, and this is one of those post-apocalyptic stories where there is much more going on than what the characters know, and we will be discovering it along with them. Plush was introduced in book one but we didn’t get much information about it. Some questions are answered here, and some more will be answered in future books.

I found the last twist quite predictable, but that did not deter me from fully enjoying this book. I am looking forward to the sequels, and learn everything I can from this City and its surroundings.

Emma Wilder delivered a great narration and character interpretation. Some male voices sounded similar, but we have to take into account that all characters in this book are male, except for Holly and another character that has a small appearance towards the end. I think it is not easy. Anyway, Wilder’s voice range is quite ample, and her male voices sound very realistic. Her characters’ interpretations were also very professional, and this made easier identifying characters. I especially liked her interpretations of Holly and Daze.

I am really enjoying this series, and I am looking forward to the next books. Book three will be available soon, and I hope we book four will not have us waiting for too long.

I received a copy of this book in audio format from the narrator in exchange for an honest review.