A review by chelsealouise
Eat, and Love Yourself by Sweeney Boo


4/5 Stars: ‘Eat, and Love Yourself’ is a New Adult, Contemporary Mental Health Graphic Novel by Sweeney Boo; ‘Eat, and Love Yourself’ is a sad, but ultimately, hopeful story of learning to love one’s self. This novel is a deeply personal, magical realism, story about: Body Dysmorphia, Disordered Eating, Social Anxiety, and Self-Love. It is certainly not an easy book to read - especially with personal experience - as many of the aforementioned topics, may resonate with the audience. Boo avoids clichés and stereotypical tropes; thus, avoiding a trite story that showcases superficial, ultimately fruitless means to solve all your problems. Self-love is a long, painful journey – it takes time. Trigger Warning: there are multiple scenes of Binging and of Purging that are presented in a matter-of-fact, non-exploitative manners that may be downright painful. Bearing that in mind, this is a powerful must-read.