A review by kailafitz
Aflame by Penelope Douglas


Ohhmyyggoodd I am so so sad this concludes Jared and Tate but I am so grateful we even got this! This was absolutely perfect!!



“This isn't high school," I said, eyeing him playfully. "You're way out of your depth.”

Jared's in town and this time the tables have turned.

2 years ago was the last Tate saw of Jared Trent. Needing space to figure himself out on his own, Tate doesn't see why he has to leave her behind and in her hurt and mistrust, she shoves him out the door.

Now Tate has moved on as best she can. Dating her high school friend Ben and pursuing her career as a doctor, life goes on for Tate. But she's missing something. Or someone. But she accepted that long ago.

“I wanted her to love me again. I wanted her to say she was mine. And I didn’t want to have to bully her about it, either.”

Jared Trent has made a life for himself across the country. He's found himself doing what he loves where he knows what he's doing. He's grown up and he did what he set out to do. But it wasn't exactly the vision he had without Tate.

Tricked into coming home for the first time in a year and a half to reunite with his family, Jared has no idea that Tate is around.

And when they meet unexpectedly, everything is in reverse.

She's the bully.
He's the victim...sorta.

But this isn't high school and Jared doesn't want to play. He just wants his Tate back.

“A man who stands in front of a woman does nothing more than block her view.”

Tate isn't going to let him have it easy though. And Jared has a lot to learn to get her back. She's changed since he left and he has to step back to move forward.

“I’m never letting you go again, Tate,” I whispered, almost desperate. “I’m your friend forever, and if that’s all I get, then that’s what I’m taking, because only when you’re here”—I took her hand and placed it on my heart—“do I feel like my life is worth a damn.”

Tate has and always will love Jared but getting back together isn't something she's sure about. But if they do, Jared wants her to be sure this time because he doesn't plan on ever letting her go again.

“As my friend, I liked you,” I whispered. “As my enemy, I craved you. As a fighter, I loved you, and as my wife”—I slid the ring the rest of the way on—“I keep you.” I squeezed her hand. “Forever,” I promised.”

OHMYGOD I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jared and Tate. This was such a wonderful sequel to their relationship and indeed an epic finish. I am so sad to see the end of them but Penelope, you gave us their future too so that was incredible.

Thank you for this ending to Jared and Tate, it was perfect. <3