A review by sandralam
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry


My God, I LOVED it!! I cannot even begin to describe how much I love it. A must read-it-now book! Pushing the Limits took me by surprise; I didn't expect to feel so emotionally connected to the characters. I'm not going to lie I did shed a couple of tears...

My Thoughts:

1. Considering that this book is a YA/contemporary romance, it was such a page-turner! You automatically feel a connection to Noah and Echo and you're constantly wondering what happens next.

2. McGarry did a superb job on the writing and building up the storyline. I like how it switches from Noah and Echo's POV. They were perfectly timed. It was beautifully written which made it so addicting to read!

3. The romance isn't the initial focus of the plot, I like that. You start out reading about Echo's and Noah's personal lives and when they cross paths their stories become intertwined. I like how their personal lives and issues is the central focus of the book and the romance adds to the plot. More often than not books just focus on the romance and leave all the personal struggles as a secondary storyline.

4. I instantly fell in love with Echo and Noah and their friends. Echo is hard working, kind, and loving; I enjoyed reading her come out of her shell and face her insecurities. She's a great, strong character. Noah is often misunderstood because of his social image but fearless when it comes to dealing with what he believes in. In their own way, Noah and Echo are both trying to honour their family and salvage what they have left (Noah with his brothers and Echo with her sanity). Isaiah, Beth, Lila and Ms.Collins are great friends to Noah and Echo; they always stood by their sides during the worse and never turned their backs.

5. Echo and Noah's relationship is so freakin' adorable! I love all the kissing and longing glances at one another *gushes*

6. *Tries to think of negatives* NOPE, cannot think of any. That's because there are none!

7. I highly recommend this book, it's goes beyond your typical high school romance and includes issues that we often take for granted (like family, health etc.)

8. I read the teaser for Beth's book and I'm so intrigued. She's definitely a complex character...I wonder how Isaiah will fit into her story. Cannot wait!