A review by bethanyangharads
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


This was a re-read for me and honestly, I loved it. I read it last when I was 13, and it was the first YA fantasy book that I can remember that really hooked me in and got me into that genre. Of course, the movie came out and between it's bad acting (sorry Patterson, you're much better now) and the passionate fans, Twilight became a bit of a laugh. But, with the release of Midnight Sun creeping closer, I really wanted to see what my thoughts were like, a decade on. And my thoughts are that YEP I still love it!

Bella is intelligent and 3D character. She speaks normally and actually is a pretty interesting person. After moving to Forks, due to wanting to give her Mum and Mum's new BF some space, Bella goes to school and soon gets drawn in by Edward. There's no quick accusations of so and so being a vampire, instead Bella figures it out for herself in a calm manner. This story is all about Bella and Edward getting to know each other and eventually falling in love. Is it cheesy at times? HELL YEAH, but I loved it.

Now I'm super excited to read it all again, but from Edward's perspective.