A review by mrsbatts610
Knight & Stay by Kitty French


This is more a review of books one and two.

I remembered this series being raved about a couple of years ago, and the first book was a freebie recently so I decided to try it out. I think had I read this a few years ago, I would have loved it. But my tastes have changed so this was just ok for me.
First off, the POV was confusing and drew me out of the story. You had Lucien's POV, Sophie's POV, Dan's POV and an omniscient POV. There was no delineation between POV. One paragraph was Sophie, the next Lucien, then Dan would pop in, then a POV connected to none of them. There were no extra spaces between paragraphs, no little symbols, nothing. There were times I had no idea whose POV we were in.
There were little things that seemed like hints that were never addressed. Like the blinking light on the answering machine.
And there was A LOT of sex. I realize this was more erotica than romance, but it was just so overwhelming. They were written great, don't get me wrong, but it overwhelmed the plot.
Now, the romance part of the story was very good (once you got to it). There was no Instalove. There was an undeniable attraction and the love came in naturally over time. That was great. Even Lucien's denial and pushing Sophie away and the time spent apart was paced quite well.