A review by guido_the_nature_guide
The Dog Who Knew Too Much by Spencer Quinn


This is my third Chet & Bernie read, so maybe the novelty is wearing off. I still love the dog's-point-of-view narration, which can be quite funny at times, but reading the same dog-think phrases over and over again from one book to the next eventually gets dull. I know, it's a dog, fer crissakes! I should expect Shakespearean erudition? The mystery this time seemed only half-baked, and all three books followed exactly the same pattern:
1. Bernie is hired for an innocuous job.
2. Seemingly peripheral events involve the team in murderous circumstances.
3. Bernie and Chet get separated.
4. Bernie's girlfriend/reporter Suzie gets the wrong impression.
5. Bernie and Chet are reunited.
6. Suzie helps solve mystery.
Because the dog (Chet, if you didn't know) is so likeable, I will probably pick up another in the series, and I highly recommend the first book (Dog On It). ...wait...SQUIRREL!!! ...Now where was I?