A review by meganwintrip
Unsolved Murders: True Crime Cases Uncovered by Amber Hunt, Emily G. Thompson


It's an okay book apart from some spelling mistakes and some areas there weren't spaces before starting the next word. I would probably recommend it to someone who was just starting to get interested in true crime. I feel like it's like a starter book for a newbie rather than someone like me who is really interested in true crime. I don't like the layout of the book; however I do appreciate that there were pictures added. Although the pictures from the case stories that you talk about in the book are clumped together and mixed up in the middle of case stories. For example you started a case story about Black Dahlia and you threw in pictures from the past 8 case stories which seemed a bit weird. I would have put the pictures with the correct cases in each case rather than throwing them in there. I also I didn't like that you added websites after the case it makes it feel like a dissertation. I don't think that is needed as it makes the books seem like a Wikipedia link.