A review by rohina_sharma
No Bad Days by J. Sterling


description I’m coming. I miss you so damn much. I can’t do this without you anymore. You need to come home. I need you. I love you.

Now while this might not be my favorite story of J. Sterling it was definitely one that I enjoyed. It is sweet and full of angst with so many lines that I loved for the love it portrayed or simply for making me laugh. What I love about Sterling's writing is her ability to create characters that are so easily lovable even when they are doing things that could have been avoided. But being pro angst in books, who am I to complain. Lol!

If you love a good New Adult Romance with a bucket full of angst and a constant back and forth between the characters and side characters then this book will definitely do the job for you. For fans of new adult romances with a lot of angst and back & forth are going to eat this book up.

But like with any book, this too had its flaws, such as I would have liked Nick to have more of a backbone and be able to stand up for himself. Another thing that I wanted to see was Nick's interaction with his dad.
I loved Jess. She was strong and firm in her decisions even when her heart was breaking into a million pieces.

With clean topics and clear cut story, No Bad Days is suitable for the younger readers. Now, what I want to read is Frank and Ryan Fisher's story. Them having ten years over Nick gives them more maturity and advantage and I would love to see how Sterling goes through with their story.

4 Stars!

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