A review by bonnieg
A Table for Three by Lainey Reese


I cannot stress too strongly how bad the writing is in this book. It is straightforward porn, not romance at all, which is fine, but terrible writing is a boner-killer if ever there was one. The storyline is the women's creative equivalent of the pizza guy showing up and finding two 18 year-olds in desperate need of a penis. Here our heroine shows up in NYC, asks the cab driver to take her to a club, and finds that she has been taken to a sex club. The owners take a fancy to our blushing newbie and the rest is history. Also, I am begging people who have never been to New York or who once spent a weekend here waiting in line at the Olive Garden and the M&M Store and seeing the Lion King Live not to write about New York. Please! There are so many cities to choose from where entertainment is so thin on the ground that storefront clubs for three-ways might be the only clubs in town. The New York parts are painful to read. They are worse than the "romantic" parts, and that is saying a lot.