A review by candacerobinsonauthor
And the Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich


I've been going back and forth with being in a book slump lately, but holy moly did I love this story! I loved the weirdness, the dark aspects, the sister bond, the romantic bond, and the atmosphere in general.

Silla was a character that had her struggles, so many struggles, and sometimes she was likable and sometimes she was not, yet I loved her and being inside her head. Nori, her sister, was just sweet as pie, the cutest little thing ever! And Gowan really brought a lot to the story, with his humor, his determination, and his strength. 

The idea of the trees creeping in closer was just really cool, because trees are just awesome in general. I pretty much knew the twist early on, but it didn't take away from the story—it just made me want to know if I was actually right. There were some other cool things I didn't guess, though. Oh, and it takes a lot for me to cry during books, yet I did shed some tears during this one! I will definitely be reading more from this author!