A review by beexx
The Note by Carly Schabowski


I am completely torn on how I feel about this book. Every part of me loved it, but every part of me wished it to be different. The story was told from different point of views, some present day (1960s) and some during the war.

The story begins in the 1960s with our first main character, a thirteen year old named Alice. There’s a murder. There’s an accident with a window. There’s a new friendship.

She friends the lonely, weird German man after her friend breaks his window. She wants to make things right and help him pay for a new window. While there Jozef tells her of tales from the war.

Someone must be blamed for the murder that happens in their town, and Alice knows exactly who did it. She runs to Jozef and tells him of the rumors and she tells him who committed the murder.

My heart breaks here.

The story continues in the present day. More death. Sadness. Heartbreak.

While yes, this book talks of time in World War II, I would’ve liked this story better if it were two different books. I understand why it was written the way it was, but I don’t know. I loved every moment of reading it, but there was something missing, and that’s why I only gave it 4 stars.