A review by heyy_tanakalovesbooks
Tempting the Beast by Lora Leigh


i had so many problems with this book..like seriously..firstly Callan is an asshole lol..did not like him at all.i love alpha males.i love reading about them but i hated reading about Callan and his Alpha-hole..Merinus what time name is that gosh..i couldnt even pronounce it well while i was reading. She was irritating and i did not like her. It just got to weird for me and i dont think i will wver read this series. It just i didnt like to think..books are there to enjoy..there was too much thinking going on and i didnt like it

Now in the book both Callan and Merinus were struggling from a mating frenzy which is ridiculous. i mean seriously..sex withdrawal i mean please..The constant need to have or you die type of thing..i found it a bit far fetched..At least the sex scenes were hot.Dialogue was strained. I couldnt keep because i was just confused

2 miserable stars from me. I wanted to give a 1 star but if it wasnt for the sex scenes i would have..oh well...