A review by bookwormmichelle
The Continuous Atonement by Brad Wilcox


This book's title says it all. It is an examination of the Atonement, but not just how the Atonement can save us at the end of our lives, but how it is our very real source for strength, solace, forgiveness and power each and every day, as we struggle along, mired in sins we repeat all too often. I know many others who, like me, have become discouraged at our apparent and obvious lack of perfection, even after years of trying to live the Gospel. The truths in this book are like a balm. I'm afraid if I try to write all my favorite quotes here, I'll be engaging in copyright infringement. So I'll just include one--one that may be going on a wall in my home:
"When we speak of the human part of a covenant as something we can do without God's assistance, or the divine part of a covenant as something we can repay, we not only grossly overestimate our own abillities but we also see teh arrangement as a one-time deal. When we fully realize the continuous nature of the Atonement, gratitude and obedience are less a condition of receiving it and more a natural outgrowth of it. They become as continuous as the gift itself. In that moment, we realize we do not earn the Atonement. The Atonement actually earns us."
Beautiful book.