A review by liisp_cvr2cvr
Kings of Paradise by Richard Nell


I wonder, as I sit here after finishing yet another fantasy title, can there ever be too much of a good thing? … I’m kidding. What a stupid question. Of course not.

Somewhere in the violence he stopped wanting blood or vengeance or justice. He wanted only a release from so much hatred, from the corruption eating away at his heart.

Just fucking ridiculous, isn’t it, that people who call themselves authors can simply, month after month, year after year, keep producing these fantastic fantasy titles. To come and capture our hearts, to break them. Break them? Ha, more like squish them under their boots with blood spattering everything around to catch the droplets. Actually. This is a love letter. A love letter addressed to an inanimate object. To a book. Kings of Paradise, I love you.

A deformed genius plots vengeance while struggling to survive. A wastrel prince comes of age, finding a power he never imagined. Two worlds are destined to collide.

And what a collision it is! Indescribable in all of its glory, Kings of Paradise simply hits the spot for those who thirst for a bit of blood, a bit of ugliness, a bit of tenderness, a bit of clever maneuvering along the dark corridors for revenge, survival, duty.

And then the world went mad.

As always there are the main two. Ruka. Kale. Complete polar opposites in personality, social standing and heritage. Damn, what a wonderful contrast. Kale is the prince, the naive, cute boy who will come to know the world, politics and himself in ways that you can’t even imagine. Kale’s character is one of the widest development arcs I’ve come across and it’s magnificent. Kale is one of those characters you will quite instantly like for his wit, innocence and kind heart. Kale is someone you will come to respect…whether he will keep that respect, only time, and the sequels, will tell!

Ruka. Well. There will be these things you learn about the character. You feel pity, and you want to understand where he’s coming from. Because make no mistake, Ruka also starts out as naive and innocent. Perhaps even more so than Kale. And you can see the tools Ruka uses to get by, to keep going and perhaps you even cheer for him as he reaches his goals. But damn, be ready for some gruesome, dark as fuck scenes. And yet… and yet. Until the final page of this book, the final sentence, Ruka will always be unpredictable and I can’t wait to read more about his journey, his goal, his endgame… Man, I shiver with anticipation!

The world building we’re dealing with here is as wholesome as you would bloody well please. It’s absolutely amazing and I love it! The differences in culture and civilization from North to South varying to such degree making a marvellous contrast and conflict. This is no easy-read, colour by numbers fantasy here where prince kills the dragon and screws the princess long into the sunset forever and ever. This shit right here is messy and full of hurt and sacrifices.

You merchant-sons, you fret like old women. We will succeed, or we will die. What of it?

And the magic of such a book is also the relief and breezy moments offered by those important secondary characters who shock you with their humour (like Asna), or intrigue you with their freaking eyebrows (like Osco) or make you narrow your eyes in suspicion (like the Emperor, the Pristesses, the bard Egil, and also Dala). And it’s also the multitude of backstories. Everyone has a history. Everyone has their story to tell. And one of the more outstanding ones belongs to a secondary character- Birmun. I have a feeling about this one, folks! Time will tell!

There is plentiful show of resilience, justice and unfairness. The realization that some shackles are indeed created by the very shackled themselves. It is a beautiful moment when a character realizes they are in fact only a prisoner by their own thinking.

I will settle for your pink insides in my palm, and your brains on a rock.

Gosh, my buds, this book brought some seriously dark scenes and some seriously beautiful scenes… I’m sure I won’t have to warn anyone regarding the obvious- it’s violent and aggressive. Such is the way of powerful people. They take, they create a vacuum that can only be released by revenge and thus the circle of neverending death and hatred goes. In the process some gain riches and fame, others lose positions or lives. Only the few have a vision, will and tools to go beyond…