A review by the_ya_assassin
The Endless Skies by Shannon Price

Thank you Macmillan-Tor/Forge, Tor Teen Publishing and Netgalley for sending me an eARC of The Endless Skies in exchange for an honest review.

DNF at 48%

I am not going to leave a starred review for this book because I can't accurately judge the entire book - only the terrible first half I was able to get through. I am so sad I didn't enjoy [b:The Endless Skies|49247252|The Endless Skies|Shannon Price|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1622421436l/49247252._SY75_.jpg|67125535] because it had a really intriguing synopsis and I was looking forward to reading it.

In The Endless Skies, we have three POVs - Callen, Rowan, and Shirene (mind you, I literally had to check my updates of this book to remember their names). Pretty much everyone in Heliana, their floating city, are Leondai - winged-lion shapeshifters. They protect the other four magical realms as an elite group of warriors that endure years of training. Rowan, one of our main characters, is going to become a certified part of these warriors the next day after training for four years to prove her loyalty to the kingdom. However, an unknown and deadly disease shows up in over 15 children from their city. Callen and Ox, Rowan's BFF and crush, are sent to the enemy/human lands to find the cure.
Rowan can't become the warrior she always dreamed to be and being the selfish and impatient girl she is, she seeks out information to have an excuse to go help save the kingdom. She finds said information and decides to desert to prove herself (and supposedly save) those she loves. The clock is ticking though - the humans will attack soon and even worse, the expected time frame to cure the sickness is cut in half.

I am majorly disappointed. The premise for this book was so amazing which is the reason why I requested it! I had to force myself to even get to 50% because there were so many confusing info-dumps from the worldbuilding early on. In addition, I disliked all of the characters and the obvious love triangle that showed up from the get-go couldn't entice me to continue. I was skimming for the last 10% I was reading simply because the story wasn't all that interesting. In addition, [a:Shannon Price|17716119|Shannon Price|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1544716489p2/17716119.jpg] used the same phrases and words that just made me want to scream - "roar," "one last time," "skyward," etc. There was also so much "showing" instead of "telling" that I literally skipped several pages and still knew what was going on

I was so looking forward to reading this book and am heartbroken I wasn't able to finish or enjoy it.