A review by strikingthirteen
Petty Theft by Helge Dascher, Pascal Girard


A quick little slice of life comic with the author as the main character. It's unclear how much is fiction and how much isn't but it's one of those things that is so bizarre that it very well could be true.

Pascal has just come out of a nine year relationship. He doesn't feel like drawing and is living with friends. He wants to run a marathon but he's managed to hurt himself. Essentially, it's not a great time to be Pascal. One day he's in a bookstore and discovers the owners are having trouble with a book thief, another day he sees the culprit. A girl. So begins an investigation by dating.

There's not too much deeper meaning here. It just comes off like a weird story that a friend is telling you about someone they once dated. The art is simple and cute and there appear to be a few scenes missing but that just adds to the feel that this is a story someone is telling you.