A review by dharaiter
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman


Wow! Wow! Wow! I've to shake my head twice to pull myself back to reality, back from this magical world by the ocean at the end of the lane. I always say this, and I say it again, Neil Gaiman books are never about reaching from point A to point Z, it's about everything that's in between. The between occupied with his incredible writing power that creates a world where imagination knows no bounds, where magical elements feel and seem more real, and where his spectacular characters come to life in all their glory. The way food was mentioned in the book, the country lane, the Hempstock house, its residents, and the magical ocean were all a treat to read about, from a point of view of a seven year old whose name we will never know, from a boy who loved his books and the yellow washbasin in his room, just his size.

I also know, I am naming my cat Ocean, if and when I get it.