A review by cameronreads
The World We Make by N.K. Jemisin


I want to inject the concept of this book into my blood stream. I am SO gutted that there’s not going to be a third book (so I’ve heard) , I literally want to read this series forever. 
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s perfect - I had a few issues with the pacing of this second book. I find books that are mostly prepping for a big battle often don’t work for me, and the ending always feels a little anticlimactic. This one wasn’t too bad, but I definitely had that sense. I also specifically wanted a bit more from Manny’s backstory - at one point it felt like it was going to be a huge plot point and I definitely think it could have worked as one, but it resolved so quickly! 
Still though, everything about it is just so good. The world, magic system, concept, characters, relationships, writing. NK Jemisin just has a way of bringing a place I’ve never been to life (and not just because she gives them real living embodiments). I felt like I was in New York for the duration of this book, and I could viscerally feel her passion for the city come through. 
The characters are just wonderful. There’s a fairly big cast, but the all felt fleshed out and independent. They had such distinct voices - NK Jemisin did a wonderful job of making the prose match the POV character. I especially loved watching the tension between Manny and Neek (another reason I’m so upset we won’t get a third book - how can it just leave us there??) 
I loved the discussions this book had around race and the importance of diversity, as well as all the queer rep. 
I just want a third book so much!!