A review by angrywombat
The White Raven by Robert Low


This was pretty damn interesting. I didn't enjoy it as much as the last couple, but oh boy its a ride.

What I love about this series is that it is historical fiction in the best way รพ not the detailed descriptions of clothing and places, or sudden appearance of well known historical figure to pop in and say hi.. No, this is presenting a completely different mindset which is really compelling to follow, and makes me re-examine what I thought was "ordinary".

Orm is trying to settle down after his adventures. He and a few of his Oathsworn have built a steading and are trying their hand at farming and fishing... its not going so well, as their name calls out to some unsavory types and it all goes to shit when the steading is attacked and some of their number kidnapped.

What follows is the reluctant Orm chasing down the kidnappers, and being dragged into a very harsh quest to go back to Atli's grave (from the first book) across the winter-bound lands that we now call Russia...

It suffers a little for being more of a "episodic" nature than the previous books. This happened, then this, then that, etc etc. But its still a great read. It is interesting to see how Orm has changed from the "adventure seeking" youth into a more troubled adult that yearns for a quiet life. But his nature (and promises made when younger) haunt him and drive him into trouble.

The first half of the book found me continually putting it down to do other things, but the last half was read in a single binge that cost me a night of sleep. Well worth it though.